Collections (Visual C++ Syntax Index with #import)
ADO 2.5 API Reference

Collections (Visual C++ Syntax Index with #import)

It is useful to know that collections inherit certain common methods and properties.

All collections inherit the Count property and Refresh method, and all collections add the Item property. The Errors collection adds the Clear method. The Parameters collection inherits the Append and Delete methods, while the Fields collection adds the Append, Delete, and Update methods.

Properties Collection


HRESULT Refresh( );


long GetCount( ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetCount)) long Count;

PropertyPtr GetItem( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(property(get=GetItem)) PropertyPtr Item[];

Errors Collection


HRESULT Clear( );

HRESULT Refresh( );


long GetCount( ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetCount)) long Count;

PropertyPtr GetItem( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(property(get=GetItem)) PropertyPtr Item[];

Parameters Collection


HRESULT Append( IDispatch * Object );

HRESULT Delete( const _variant_t & Index );

HRESULT Refresh( );


long GetCount( ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetCount)) long Count;

PropertyPtr GetItem( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(property(get=GetItem)) PropertyPtr Item[];

Fields Collection


HRESULT Append( _bstr_t Name, enum DataTypeEnum Type, long DefinedSize,
    enum FieldAttributeEnum Attrib, const _variant_t & FieldValue =
    vtMissing );

HRESULT Delete( const _variant_t & Index );

HRESULT Refresh( );

HRESULT Update( );


long GetCount( ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetCount)) long Count;

PropertyPtr GetItem( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(property(get=GetItem)) PropertyPtr Item[];

See Also

Errors Collection | Fields Collection | Parameters Collection | Properties Collection

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